I convinced my wife to let Joseph stay with us until he got back on his feet. I was living the life Joseph should have been. I looked at Joseph and saw an alpha male in hiding, someone who could take charge at work, live in a big house, and nail a girl like Gina. He was broke and not living up to his potential, at least in my eyes. We talked about what he had been up to since we last saw one another. I ran into Joseph working some shitty job. She was way out of my league.įlash forward to a few months after we both stopped working at the video store. I never took that personally, because I knew he was right. He often joked how ridiculous it was for me to land a girl like my wife, with her Jessica Alba-looks. I had a meek Jimmy Olsen-type build while he was big, beefy, and burly. Joseph and I met as fellow employees at a video store. I let Joseph stay with my wife and me, as we had a spare room, and he was down on his luck. Homeless Cuckold Stories: Unemployed Slacker Could Fuck My Wife If He Wanted To And I never would have had a front row seat of her tiny lips tasting his giant cock. She would never have taken an interest in him. Because if I hadn’t, I never would have blabbed my big mouth to my wife, Gina, about what a big cock he had. I wish I never walked in on Joseph after he came out of the shower that day.